The Distinguish and the Combination in "Research" and "Transcendence Process" In Prove Objectivity of Transcendent-Analysis and Composition of Norman L. Geisler and Allameh Tabatabai Thought

Document Type : Research Article


1 PhD Holder of Philosophy of Religion, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Philosophy, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Associate Professor of Comparative Philosophy, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.

4 Assistant Professor of Philosophy of Religion, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.


One of the important issues that has made thinkers in the field of philosophy of religion think and reflect, is the discussion of reality and, in a more scientific sense, the objectivity of the "transcendent". being real; In other words, the transcendent has an truth independent of the mind, which this issue is presented in religious experience as essentialism, against which the idea of constructivism is raised. Norman Geisler and Allameh Tabatabai are two thinkers who have taken an essentialist approach to this issue and have tried to prove the objectivity of the transcendent with their arguments. Comparative comparison of the ideas of these two thinkers -that is novel subject- is the subject of this article, the differences and similarities of which have been explained. Allameh used the word "transcendent being" and Geisler used the word "transcendent object". According to Geisler, (the sum of philosophical reason and religious experience) and in the thought of Allama, moderate rationalism is observed. Geisler's method is empirical and philosophical, and Allameh's method is broad and includes philosophical, cosmological, intuitive-mystical, and revelatory methods. The result of such an adaptation is that the principles, methods, and concepts are distinct in the two ideas, but as a result, a similar expression is presented. Therefore, we reached the final hypothesis, which is the result of a combination of two ideas, and based on the distinction between "investigability" and "excellence process", Allameh's approach to investigability and Norman's approach to the excellence process are preferred.


Main Subjects

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