Document Type : Scientific Research


1 Associate Professor of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Islamic Studies, Sistan & Baloochestan University, zahedan, Iran

3 Ph.D. Candidate Philosophy and Theology, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


In Mulla Sadra's transcendent wisdom, the system of creation is the manifestation of the divine names. The world is like a page on which the forms and pattens of all things are drawn by the pen of Genesis, and the principles and truths of those forms are present in the essence of the Divinity, which has been reduced from the level of enstinct to the world of names and attributes and from there to other worlds. Among beings, man is of special importance because he is the manifestation of the name of the community of God; Nominal effects in the arc of descent with the manifestation of the name Rahman, has a creative aspect that with the manifestation of this name, beings enter the realm of existence and in the arc of ascension, it has epistemological and functional effects on human beings. Among the epistemological effects of names in the ascension arc: understanding human instinctual poverty, promotion of existential degrees and perfections, and among the functional effects of names are: meeting human needs in the field of individual guidance, in the presence of the right to see and moderation in behavior, human possession In existence and fulfillment of human needs in the field of social and political guidance.


Main Subjects

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