Document Type : Scientific Research


Assistant Professor of Islamic Philosophy, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran


The Holy Quran has been sent down to guide human beings and bring them to eternal bliss. What is more, the addressee of the Qur'an is human beings with all different levels and diversity of their talents. With this in mind, the Qur'an also has a hierarchy, and in addition to its apparent aspect, it has a inward aspect of which every human being uses according to his talent. Mulla Sadra, by quoting a hadith about the seven inward aspects of the Holy Qur'an, adapts it to the seven stages of human life and believes that each of the Qur'anic inward aspects corresponds to a stage of human journey. The main question of the present study is what criticisms have been leveled at Mulla Sadra in quoting the hadith of the seven inward aspects of the Holy Quran? The findings of the research in a critical analytical method show the words of Sadr al-Mutallah: Although there are hadiths in Shiite narrative sources that consider the Qur'an to have an outward and inward nature, but the number cited by Mulla Sadra is not accurate and can not be used in Ontological reliance on the human course. Also, the mentioned hadith has not been found in our narrative sources, and the Shiite hadiths only share the hadith of Mulla Sadra in having the inward aspect of Holy Qur'an.


Main Subjects

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