Document Type : Scientific Research


1 Ph.D. Studen in Transcendent Philosophy, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

2 Professor at Department of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


The kind of combination of matter and form is one of the issues that philosophers dispute about it. Most of earlier philosophers believed in concrete composition. In the meanwhile, Seyyed Sanad believed in the union combination of matter and form, and Mulla Sadra took the same view. His arguments are very similar to those of Seyyed Sanad in terms of content and expressions, so this supposition is strengthened that Mulla Sadra merely accepted this theory and did not invent anything. But it is noteworthy that despite of this amount of similarity in the principle of the theory, the reasons for proving and answering the doubts, Mulla Sadra claims that his theory is other than the theory of Seyyed Sanad. After studying the theory and principles of each of those two philosophers, it is concluded that the correctness of the union combination of matter and form is based on principles such as the principality of existence, analogical gradation of existence and substantial motion. Irrespective of the principality of existence, about which Seyyed Sanad's belief is disputed, Seyyed Sanad definitely does not believe in the analogical gradation of existence and substantial movement. Therefore it can be said that Mulla Sadra has provided a novel interpretation of the theory of the union combination of matter and form with his principles.


Main Subjects

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