Document Type : Scientific Research


1 PHD student,Shahid Rajaii University

2 associate professor of Shahid Raja’i Teachers’ Training University.


Divine activity in Griffin`s view is a divine power that exerts causal influence in the world.

Griffin explains divine activity based on power and degrades power into persuasion.

God is not the only creator, but the actual creatures are agents in the pursuit of their own possibilities, and God is only a provocateur, not an enforcer.

Griffin provide a new explanation of Divine act and power to justify issues such as God`s relationship with the world, the power of humans, the changes in the world and the problem of Evil.

The two main question of this research are:

1. How is griffin`s Divine activity to be considered by Mulla Sadra`s philosophy?

2. How does Griffin`s Divine act be explained in a systematic way?

The achievements of this research are:

- Griffin limits Divine activity and degrades power into persuasion.

- Griffin`s Divine act is not comparable to God, the only real subject, in Mulla Sadra`s view; rather it can be compared to Mulla Sadra`s Expanded Being.


Main Subjects

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