Document Type : Scientific Research


1 Ferdowsi University

2 University of Ferdowsi


In Islamic philosophy, presential knowledge has been presented in the works of Suhrawardī. After him, Mullā Sadrā has developed the concept. Suhrawardī has defined knowledge as manifestation and light and Mullā Sadrā has used this definition. While opposed to Suhrawardī on the vision issue, Mullā Sadrā is influenced by him in some other issues such as the problem of acquiring imaginative perceptions. There are a number of disagreements between Suhrawardī and Mullā Sadrā including vision issue, materiality or abstractness the imagination, and attachment of soul to intellectus agens or its identification with it. Besides, there are many agreements between them as well. For instance, they agree on definition of knowledge. These agreements and disagreements have been emerged from principles used by each of them, including soul’s activeness or passiveness in comparison to the forms and non-essential definition of knowledge. For example, whether soul is active or passive in comparison to the forms will lead to different theories on vision issue. On the other hand, agreement on non-essential definition of knowledge will lead to agreement on definition of knowledge.


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