Document Type : Scientific Research


One may have perceptions and experiences in the world which is not agreeable to his nature. On the other hand, it is undeniable for theologians that there exists a Wise, Omnipotent, and absolutely Just God. The contemporary formulations of the problem of evil are often based upon these inconsistent perceptions. These inconsistent perceptions may raise the question why such God have created such world.
Mullā Sadrā has two approaches (in the metaphysical realm as well as the perceptual one) to the issue. In the first approach, He focuses on the world a priori and analyses the issues metaphysically, that is he adopts the theory of negativity of evil to solve the problem. In the second approach, however, he accepts the existence of perceptual evil and, taking this intuition to be granted, tries to solve the problem. According to him, perceptual evils are actually evils per essentia and also doubled evils. Nevertheless, for solving the problem, one has to consider the cognitive faculties of perceiver rather than the createdness of the world.


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