Document Type : Scientific Research



This research is aiming at analyzing Mullā Sadrā's view on the theory of impossibility of knowing the reality of objects. Sadra criticizes the theory of impossibility of knowing reality of simple objects as well as that of impossibility of knowing reality of all objects. Sadra believes that although we know natures of things, we do not know the reality of existence. This means that we know the reality of things and the lack of knowledge of their attributes and properties does not infer the lack of knowledge of their nature. But it seems to us, based on different interpretations of the relationship between nature and existence in Transcendent Philosophy, that it is impossible to know what the nature of objects is and at the same time remain unaware of the reality of their existence. Besides, the reduction of reality to nature in these theories is not the case. According to Mullā Sadrā, we can know reality of objects via presence not conceptual knowledge.


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برای مشاهده اصل مقاله به صورت کامل، بر روی لینک "اصل مقاله" در بالای صفحه کلیک کنید