Document Type : Scientific Research


Philosophers usually believe that causality entails the existential diversity of the cause and the effect. However, for the cases in which there is not any existential diversity, they assert that causality is actualized as well. According to Mullā Sadrā, this kind of causality has to be known by rational analysis. So, the causality does not imply existential diversity. The theory of analytic causality entails development of the meaning of causality and we have to propose a definition of causality which is consistent with both analytic and existential diversity. According to principles of Transcendent Philosophy, there are two definitions of causality which is consistent with both analytic and existential diversity. While the former is “the dependence between two being”, the latter is “the dependence between two referents”. Since the diversity of “being” and “referent” does not essentially entail “existential diversity”, if two “beings” and two “referents” are actualized by two “existence”, the causality is objective and if not, it is analytic. Based on these definitions, causality does not entail existential diversity. Rather, it entails mere diversity, either existential or analytic. There are a number of applications for analytic causality including causality of essence for its implications, causality of contingency for need, the causality in conjunctive-categorical argument, causality of accident for accident, causality of substance for accident, causality of form (genus) for matter (difference), and causality of the matter and the form for the essence.


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