Document Type : Scientific Research


Assistant Professor of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran, Iran


Mulla Sadra has various statements about the role of nature in guiding people. Sometimes he considered the nature of all human beings as the ability to acquire good things, which is the same in all human beings. The result of this view is to consider all human beings as the same in being guided. Secondly, in other places, he considers human nature to be the cause of guidance and considers misguidance to be obtained from outside. Finally, in some cases, he has spoken about people whose nature is based on disbelief and they are not able to know the truth and be guided. It seems that it is possible to understand the difference in the statements of Mulla Sadra's works by considering his ambiguity view and his belief in the difference in the basic nature of humans. According to Mulla Sadra, the human soul and body are different from the beginning of creation in purity and darkness, strength and weakness, noble and humble, and these differences make people inclined towards goodness or badness. Based on this opinion, we are faced with a spectrum of human beings, which is from definitively guided or misguided, and in the middle of this spectrum are people inclined to good or bad in the middle of this spectrum. Despite Mulla Sadra's statement in using expressions such as natural disbelief and natural error, because he emphasizes the element of choice in the form of action, his commentators have considered such expressions to mean the necessity of human nature in the tendency to disbelief, not necessity and obligation.


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