Document Type : Scientific Research


According to the opinion of the Muslim theosophers, world is founded upon a logical and intelligible system, and from a metaphysical point of view, it encompasses hierarchical degrees or worlds .These worlds are positioned in vertical - metaphysical relation. In other words, they are interconnected in a longitudinal order on the base of causality relation. Nevertheless, illuminating this relation between the first cause and the first effect, one encounter with philosophical – theological doubt,that is, the necessity of joining the effect to the cause necessitates the coexistence of the world with its origin.Nevertheless, the necessity of differentiation and priority of the transcendental Being to the contingent beings requires the world of contingent beings have belated  and objective separation from the Transcendental Necessary Being. In order to solve this problem, according to his philosophical system, Mir Damad has suggested the idea ofcreatedness at the level of perpetual duration. Mir Damad’s amazing thought in foundation of this theory by taking benefit from the contrast between the terms of perpetual duration (Dahr) and eternity versus time and temporal beings is praise worthy. However, from Sadraian philosophers' point of view, the paths he has followed to prove and confirm his own theory could be still subject to controversy.


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