Volume 12 (2024-2025)
Volume 11 (2022-2023)
Volume 10 (2021-2022)
Volume 9 (2020-2021)
Volume 8 (2019-2020)
Volume 7 (2018-2019)
Volume 6 (2017-2018)
Volume 5 (2016-2017)
Volume 3 (2014-2015)
Volume 2 (2013-2014)
Volume 1 (2012-2013)
Scientific Research falsafe molasadra
Mulla Sadra on Ontological and Epistemological Differences and Similarities between Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and other Human

Fariborz Ahmadinezhad

Volume 4, Issue 1 , February 2016, Pages 7-23

  In transcendent theosophy, the science of knowledge of prophet of Islam (PBUH) is different from other schools.  Although Mulla Sadra, just like the other thinkers, considers the prophet of Islam like an ordinary human being, but on the base of substantial motion theory, suggests that he has a unique ...  Read More

Scientific Research falsafe molasadra
The Comparative Study of Time in Mulla Sadra’s Perspective and Theory of Relativity in Physics

valiollah khoshtinat; shabnam safavizadeh

Volume 4, Issue 1 , February 2016, Pages 25-36

  The purpose of this essay is studying of time’s nature in MullaSadra’s perspective and current relativistic theories, includingspecial and general relativity, and proceeding similarities and differences between them.  From ontological point of view, the problem of time has been a controversial ...  Read More

Scientific Research falsafe molasadra
Criteria of Truth and Justification in Sadraian and Suhrawardian Schools
Volume 4, Issue 1 , February 2016, Pages 37-53

  Epistemologists define knowledgeas "justified true belief”. In the history of philosophy,concerning the measure of truth and justification,as the basic elements of the theory of knowledge, there were several theories. This is true concerning Sadraian and Suhrawardian schools. Although both schools ...  Read More

Scientific Research falsafe molasadra
Ontological Analysis of Allameh Tabatabai’s Constructional Perception Theory

fatemeh solgi

Volume 4, Issue 1 , February 2016, Pages 55-68

   Allameh Tabatabai’s constructional perception theory, as one of hisoutstanding thoughts,has oftenconsideredas an epistemological theory, so that it is merely studied and applied in this viewpoint. But comprehensive lookat theTabatabai’s literature, in order to find different usages ...  Read More

Scientific Research
A Critical Assessment of Mir Damad’s Reply to the Doubt About the Createdness of the World and Sadraian Philosophers' View About it
Volume 4, Issue 1 , February 2016, Pages 69-79

  According to the opinion of the Muslim theosophers, world is founded upon a logical and intelligible system, and from a metaphysical point of view, it encompasses hierarchical degrees or worlds .These worlds are positioned in vertical - metaphysical relation. In other words, they are interconnected ...  Read More

Scientific Research falsafe molasadra
The Comparative Study of the Characteristics of Maslow's Self-actualized Person with that of Human in ranscendental Philosophy

Kobra Afshar

Volume 4, Issue 1 , February 2016, Pages 81-96

  The comparative study of the characteristics of Maslow's self-actualized human beings with that of human in Transcendental Philosophy shows that there are commonalities between them that imply the similarity of Maslow and Mulla Sadra’s viewpoints. These similar views can be classified in terms ...  Read More

Scientific Research falsafe molasadra
Standard Commentatorin MullaSadra's Quranology
Volume 4, Issue 1 , February 2016, Pages 97-111

  Islamic scholars, includingauthorities, theologians, philosophers and mystics, pay attention to the Quran and attempt to interpret it based on their knowledge and expertise and toproduce many exegetical works. This difference stems from their different definitions and criteria of correct and standard ...  Read More

Scientific Research falsafe molasadra
Semantics of Allameh Tabatabai’s Constructional Perception Theory; Along With Critics of Contemporary Muslim Thinkers

reza kayedkhorde; Ghasemali Kouchnani

Volume 4, Issue 1 , February 2016, Pages 113-128

  Constructional perception theory is one of the innovative ideas of AllameTabatabai, which is helpful in the contemporary scientific atmosphere, especially in the field ofHumanities. This theory has several aspects. Semantics of constructional perception is one  of them, which is prior to other aspects ...  Read More

Scientific Research falsafe molasadra
Distinctive Features of the Death from the Viewpoint of Mullā Sadrā

alireza movafagh; Mohammad Hossein Mahdavinejad; mohamadreza zamiri

Volume 4, Issue 1 , February 2016, Pages 129-140

  The death and resurrection are among the fundamental problems of the philosophy of Mullā Sadrā. His view about the death has three important aspects. The first point is that the death is not same as nothing. This attitude is the important opposite view toward the view of material thinkers, who consider ...  Read More

Scientific Research
Mulla Sadra and Allameh Tabatabai on Permanent Residence of People of Hell and Heaven
Volume 4, Issue 1 , February 2016, Pages 141-155

  There are several verses in Quran regarding the issue of Permanent residence of people of hell and heaven. According to those verses, some people have permanent residence in the heaven and enjoy its pleasers, while others endure tortures of hell. In this paper, we willconcentrate on the meaning of permanent ...  Read More