Document Type : Scientific Research



The purpose of this essay is studying of time’s nature in MullaSadra’s perspective and current relativistic theories, includingspecial and general relativity, and proceeding similarities and differences between them.  From ontological point of view, the problem of time has been a controversial problem between philosophers and theologians. Some of them consider the time as an illusionary concept and the others as a real existence;and therefore, this later group attributesome properties to the nature of time according to their own viewpoints. In parallel to pure philosophical viewpoints, a similar philosophical interpretation for time that was introduced by physical theories, especially relativistic physics, has been expressed. This essay with an analytical approach tries to be a bridge between pure philosophical viewpoints and philosophical interpretations of physical theories and illustrate the similarities and differences between them.Through considering a same concept for length and dimension, both approaches instead to introducing an independent and absolute concept of space and time, introduced a unit structure which has in itself both space and time. But MullaSadra' s view about the nature of time, has differences with what thephilosophical interpretation ofrelativistic theoriesoffers.


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