Document Type : Scientific Research



The death and resurrection are among the fundamental problems of the philosophy of Mullā Sadrā. His view about the death has three important aspects. The first point is that the death is not same as nothing. This attitude is the important opposite view toward the view of material thinkers, who consider death as the end of life and action. Thus, accorrding to them, the life is absurd. In Sadra’s approach, this theory is not a pragmatic answer, but is a factual explanation. Another feature of his theory is that, itpresents new possibilities in this life, because considers the end of this life in  the life after death. Therefore, unlike the materialist approaches, he never considers this life as end, but regardsas a means for suprior end. Also, in Mulla Sadra, death is not the cause of  stoping, but serves as a means to development. The development starts from the growth of knowledge to attain the presence of God. These three elements not draw the picture of death as a  terrible  event, but as containing the meaning  and the value of life.


Main Subjects

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