Document Type : Scientific Research



The comparative study of the characteristics of Maslow's self-actualized human beings with that of human in Transcendental Philosophy shows that there are commonalities between them that imply the similarity of Maslow and Mulla Sadra’s viewpoints. These similar views can be classified in terms of needs, belief in intuition, the viewpoint, life meaningfulness, indifference to the sector or class, belief in the true self, change in the criterion of pleasure, and attention to potential talents. In spite of the commonalities, some differences were found between them. Among the differences, reference can be made to their methods, Mulla Sadra holistic view and Maselow’s atomistic view, Mulla Sadra’s special attention to the superior world and the distance between the human’s ideal self and the self-actualized human, which is rooted in psychological view of Maslow and Mulls Sadra’s transcendental pantheistic philosophy.


Main Subjects

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