Document Type : Scientific Research


The problem of the copulative existence goes as long as back to the time before the Christ down to the present. With reference to this, acknowledging the external existence of copulative of proposition, due to a variety of philosophical consequences it might have entailed, would be of a critical significance. Those philosophical practitioners, who have assigned denial of the external existence of copulative of proposition, must usher the consequent effects of their denial in other philosophical argumentations. In this study an attempt is made to give a comparative analysis of Allameh Tabatabaei and Allameh Mesbah Yazdi’s philosophical attitudes centered on the external Existence of copulative of proposition. This has been accomplished in light of the common philosophical assumptions both practitioners enjoy (believing in dichotomy between two areas: intellectual credibility and objective reality). In addition to analysis and interpretation, the principles of supreme wisdom, pertinent to substance and accident, as well, the philosophical rationalities are reexamined carefully, and also an attempt has been made to discuss the unscrupulousnessof abstractcopulative of proposition with other philosophical principles, especially with secondary philosophical rationalities. Moreover, the method employed is to compare and contrast their viewpoints through three steps: description, specification and, analysis. After all, the study is devoted to reviewing the corresponding standpoints. That is to say, the outcomes of denying this characteristic of the universe would be the outcome of the study, the data for which may include: denial of spiritual sameness of existence with an incorrect version of Mollasadra’s standpoint, denial ofone area of the primacy of existence, conversion of 3 principles (necessity, possibility and denial) in to secondary logical intelligible and inappropriateness of dividing existence.


Main Subjects

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