Document Type : Scientific Research



One of the key characteristics of Mulla Sadra's philosophical approach in the integration of human physical resurrection is describing religion from within and establishing a relationship between the levels of the world and those of the soul on the basis of rational system of transcendental wisdom. And also on the basis of human behavior in the world he has scored with his description of how resurrection in the world of grief/purgatory and that of the eternal world will happen according to themes of revelation. The present study aims to study Mulla Sadra's philosophical cognition on the issue of the integration of human physical and spiritual integration on the Resurrection Dayon the basis of his own discourse. The main objective of this rational approach to the expression of the integrity of the religious perspective and the philosophical approach of Mulla Sadra is to promote the audience’s understanding of religious concepts of how this will happen, that is the integration of human physical and spiritual integration on the Resurrection Day. He explained the religious teachings of physical resurrection contrary to the theologians' views. Using the principle of the originality of existence, the immortal movement of the soul, the wise and reasonable union, followed by the explanation of the character of the power of imagination, immateriality and objectification of man's imaginary ends, has led to Truth. Also, in proving physical resurrection, using the principles mentioned in the explanation of the content of religious teachings, he not only found no conflict between this and religious teachings, but also consolidated the concepts of the law with the development of a part in the concept of "physicality" in the world of dementia and resurrection. Mulla Sadra does not measure Quranic verses according to their philosophical achievements rather, by gaining the truth through the transcendent reason, the mystical intuition, and the use of revelation and mission, their philosophical achievements are measured by the Qur'anic test, thereby defending the philosophical intellect and inspiring the inner layers of the  sacred propositions of the revelation.


Main Subjects

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