Document Type : Scientific Research



Based on perceptual faculties which are effective in knowledge acquisition, Mulla Sadra divides the process of knowledge acquisition to three processes of sense, imagination, and intellect. Also, he considers that intellectual processes consist in two processes of discovering and proof: and considers discovering consist in two processes of revelation and inspiration.  He believed that each one of these processes has different level of validity and the level of validity of a process is effective on acquisition of the true belief. To benefit proof, discovery, inspiration, and revelation depends on the characteristics of the agent; this means that the context in which the belief is formed influences on the acquisition of the true belief.  Consequently, one may argue that in addition to the nature of belief, Mulla Sadra is concerned with the characteristics of the agent and the processes of acquiring belief, as non-episteme and external factors- in acquisition of knowledge. Epistemological theories that maintain the role of external factors in forming of knowledge are classified as external epistemological theories. One of the most important of them is process reliabilism and virtue reliabilism.


Main Subjects

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