Mulla Sadra on Moral Responsibility

Document Type : Research Article


1 Ph.D. Student of Islamic Education, Islamic Ethics, and Lecturer, Payame Noor University, Qom, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor of Payame Noor University, Qom, Iran.


Topices related to moral responsibility can be seen among the works of Mulla Sadra. Mulla Sadra considers moral responsibility with innovations in the field of originality of existence (esalat-e wujood), gradation of existence (tashkik-e wujood), necessary state of the soul, and final cause, which considers moral responsibility of having implications includes acts, agent and unity of acts, agent and patient (agency and patiency). The agent must also have positive conditions such as authority, power and science. Negative conditions are also ignorance, opacity of sins and self-impurity and imitation. Mulla Sadra expresses the act of moral responsibility on the basis of the final cause and agent’s or doer’s action, and considers all human actions lead to perfection for the final end. Human being is the whole truth of the universe that includes Ideal and intellectual immateriality and material grade and the manifestation of divine essence. In this paper, in a descriptive-analytical method, Mulla Sadra's view on human beings and their responsibilities towards themselves, God and others, and how to create a sense of responsibility in human being and acting in accordance with them are expressed. Mulla Sadra believes that even with minimal science, human can provoke faculty of appetence and create the faculty of appetence, a sense of responsibility in human being and is possessed through will by practical intellect and has attained divine governor. In the system of unity of existence, the actual agents are devoted to Necessary Being and the system of being and even the activities of the servants are conveyed by the Necessary Being. The attribution of the activity to the contingents due to their ability and their grades do not also contradict all attributes of God. So human is morally responsible for achieving favorable perfection.


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