Mulla Sadra on Absolute Existence and Conflict Resolution between two Sects: Moushabahe and Mounazahe

Document Type : Research Article


1 Assistant Professor of Payame Noor University, Shahriar, Iran.

2 Ph.D. student of Islamic philosophy and theology of Imam Khomeini International University


Verbal conflict resolution between the two sects of Moushabahe and Mounazahe is one of the Mulla Sadra's achievements of knowing God as Absolute existence. Conflict between Moushabahe and Mounazahe is in discussion of God's attributes. Of the two sects, one believes that God is like human beings and have organs (Moushabahe) while other rejects assigning such attributes to God. Mulla Sadra solved the conflict between the two views by "soul" and "absolute existence" knowledge of God. According to Mulla Sadra, God is absolute and simple existence, as in all stages and levels of existence. But, this does not damage its mere existence. He knows soul as God’s idea that while it is at the same company of the material, it does not have properties of the material. In this paper, after explaining the views of Moshabahe and Mounazahe, Mulla Sadra’s view as a way out of the conflict between the views of these two sects has been paid.


Main Subjects

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