What is the Meaning of Metaphysics according to Heidegger and Mulla Sadra?

Document Type : Research Article


1 Ph.D. student of Philosophy, University of California, Berkeley, America.

2 Professor of Philosophy, Iranian Institute for Research in Philosophy, Tehran, Iran.


The aim of the present piece of research is to analyze the meaning of metaphysics from the viewpoint of Mulla Sadra and Heidegger. In the course of our analysis, we find that both the worldview and the orientation of the aforementioned philosophers differ significantly from each other. The starting point of Heidegger’s philosophy is the ‘existential condition’ of modern human, and his Dasein is not to be confused as a Big Being having a self-subsistent reality. In his view, a human being is a finite being who has no ‘being’ after the death. When one looks at one’s Dasein one does not see the Kingdom of God within nor the Throne of the All-Merciful. On the other hand, Sadra sees ‘Being’ as possessing a meaning and a reality. His being is at once hierarchic and infinite. Concepts such as perfection of soul, catharsis, theosis, play a major role in the Sadrian worldview and possess fundamental realities. However, one should not conclude from the above differences that there are no similarities to be found in the above mentioned philosophers. The truth is that similarities do exist as far as particulars are concerned. But the overall outlook of these two philosophers, as far as the meaning of metaphysics is concerned, is rather opposed to one another.


Main Subjects

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