Consciousness of Inanimate Objects in the Transcendent Wisdom

Document Type : Research Article


1 Assistant Professor, Islamic Azad University, Toyserkan, Iran.

2 Ph.D. in Philosophy and Islamic Theology, Lecturer at Islamic Azad University, Toyserkan, Iran.


One of the issues discussed among philosophers and mystics, is perception of material creatures. Human beings have understood by all philosophers as capable of perception. But that materials have such perception, there is no consensus. Some philosophers believe that because material objects are absent from each other, this absence means no perception of self and others. But others, such as Mulla Sadra, believe that all beings are conscious, because since existence and knowledge are correlated, every being is conscious because of its being existent. In this paper, we try to show differences between Mulla Sadra and his predecessors; and the most important difference is that he believes in the priority of existence. And it rejects any difference in nature between organisms. In contrast to his predecessors, Mulla Sadra does not divide beings to simple and complex, material and immaterial, live and non-live, abstract and concrete, and etc. Therefore, there are no fundamental differences between creatures. But what that indicates the difference between creatures is their gradational difference. Thus, there is no essential difference between them. Therefore, the existence and attributes of existence are correlated and the material objects are conscious because they are existent and participate some grade of it.


Main Subjects

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