Analytic Study about Conflict between Bodily Origination of the Soul and the Creation of Spirits before Bodies Based on the Qur'an and Hadiths

Document Type : Research Article


Assistant Professor, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.


Mulla Sadra’s theory regarding “soul” consists in the bodily origination and spiritual surviving, led to fundamental changings in debates on the soul. According to that, the root of the soul origination is mater, which transforms to immaterial being through substantial movement. The problem of the origination of sprits before origination of bodies, which is corresponding to the appearance of certain verses, is a huge challenge confronting this theory. Mulla sadra’s view deals with this challenge by interpreting some verses and hadiths which believe in the pre-existence of souls before the bodies, as well as by rational reasons which deny the priority of sprit to the body. This paper by descriptive-analytical method attempts to present the concept of “soul” and “sprit” in the Quran and in the Hadiths, and to state that soul is an abstract entity related to the domain of commandment. Therefore, it can have existence before the creation of body. Whereas, “soul” is a representation of “sprit” in the material world. Accordingly, the controversy between the theory of bodily origination and spiritual surviving and certain hadiths and verses that claim the existence of the sprit before becoming, is solved.


Main Subjects

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