Document Type : Scientific Research


1 PhD student in Philosophy, Tarbiyat Modares University, Tehran, Iran (corresponding author)

2 Professor of Philosophy, Tarbiyat Modares University, Tehran, Iran;

3 Associate Profssor, Iranian Institute of Philosophy (IRIP), Tehran, Iran.


Mulla Rajabali Tabrizi, one of the philosophers of the Safavid Era in Isfahan, is among the philosophers who have criticized Sadra regarding the principles of transcendent wisdom. One of these principles is the Homonymy or Polysemy of existence. Tabrizi strongly disagreed the Polysemy of existence but agreed the Homonymy of necessary beings and contingents. He brings up three reasons for his disagreement: "rational reason", "reference to the words of intellectuals and mystics", and "narrative reason". The present paper tried to present his non-narrative reasons to show the weak points as far as possible. Among the reasons referred to by Tabrizi, is the words of well-known intellectuals such as the First and the Second Teachers. Investigating about the thoughts of such intellectuals, the paper reveals that Tabrizi has paid too much attention to the details so that he did not notice the words above and under those sayings and also ignored the other statements of those wise men.


Main Subjects

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