Document Type : Scientific Research


1 Ph.D. Student in Philosophy, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran (corresponding author).


There are two kinds of interpretations offered for the theory of “knowledge by acquisition” that believes an image of the objects appears in the mind upon gaining knowledge of them; these two are the image theory and essential objectivity. Essential objectivity is known to have flaws so-called as mental existence. Despite the fact that Molla Sadra believes the mental existence is the fault solely targeting the theory of essential objectivity, Sheikh Al-Eshragh, at least, presents the problem of the universality of particulars against the principle of knowledge by acquisition and, in turn, against theory of image . Molla Sadra’s theory of the distinction of two predictions that has been used in response to such a flaw as “universality of particulars” seems to have been stemmed from Sheikh Eshragh’s solution in response to this problem. But, this answer is also condemned to flaw for it requires the possession of paradoxical essential traits by a mental form and/or its being in possession of an existence with an ambiguous nature. Acceptance of the image theory by Sheikh Eshragh is faced with such a flaw that the idea and the image of an external object are ambiguous and cannot be imagined and Molla Sadra’s essencial objectivity theory, as well, is only an unjustified claim.


Main Subjects

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