Document Type : Scientific Research


1 PhD Student in Transcendental Wisdom, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran (corresponding author).


The study of Sadrul Motahallin's view of the ways and stages of immediate impact of human souls on material objects other than their bodies is one of the issues that have been neglected due to the lack of resources in this field. From his point of view, human souls influences on material objects in three ways: first, intellectual souls cause change in the material objects; second, the souls are totally incorporeal create the material objects; Third, the human souls that are not totally incorporeal concentration of their imagination powers and cause change in the material objects. The stages of human soul impact are also different in these three ways. In the first two ways, the union of human souls with human souls archetype causes changes in the material objects or its creation. Also, in the third way, the concentration of the souls on their imagination powers is the main factor influencing the human souls that are not totally incorporeal on material objects.


Main Subjects

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