Document Type : Scientific Research


1 PhD Student in Philosophy and Islamic Theology, Shahid Motahari University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran (corresponding author).


We can say that Sadr al-Muta'llehin-al-Sharīī, in his works, have been mentioned the opinions of all the preconceived scholars regarding the quality of the issue of the multiplicity of unity. Hence, it is difficult to analyze his real opinion about this issue. However, in this article, we have tried to summarize and review all the comments that he has made in this regard. From the examination of the various views Sadra makes on the issue of issuance, one can conclude that he, however, expresses these views from various philosophical, verbal and mystical points of view, and in the works of philosophers and theologians And the mystics before him are equally found, he has somehow tried to defend the rule known as Al-Wahid and actually combine these views with this rule. But in this article we are seeking to show that the combination of these different views and the rule of Al-Wahid did not only help Sadra in explaining the quality of the exodus of the Almighty, but also confronts him with more conflicts, explaining and justifying his views did not rely on this rule, his arguments were more justified and acceptable.


Main Subjects

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