Document Type : Scientific Research


1 Ph.D. Student, Department of Philosophy and Theology, University of IsfahanIran.

2 Associate Professor Department of Philosophy and Theology, University of Isfahan, , Isfahan, Iran (Corresponding Author)

3 Associate Professor Department of Philosophy and Theology, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.


Faith and belief in the Knowledge and prophecy of prophets is one of the most important beliefs in the Shiite theological thought. The origin of infallible infallibility (AS) from the viewpoint of many scholars is that their Knowledge is aim to the truths and the harmful consequences of sin, nevertheless, it sometimes neglects this problem in such a way that two issues of Knowledge and infallibility cannot be combined together. Mulla Sadra emphasizes the importance of Knowledge as equal to existence and emphasizes the role of theoretical powers in the realization of sin in the definitions of infallibility, which confirms the direct connection between Knowledge and infallibility in his view. In the present study, in addition to analyzing the relationship between knowledge and infallibility in Sadra's view, it has been shown in two steps with the examination of the problem of revelation and the time of childhood of the prophet that the questions raised in this relation in the issue of revelation result from ignoring the propositions of existence and existential status The perfect man is looking at Sadra.


Main Subjects

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