Document Type : Scientific Research


1 Ph.D. Student of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, University of Qom, Qom, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Islamic Philosophy and Theology Department, Payame Noor University, Iran (Corresponding Author)

3 Associate Professor, Islamic Philosophy and Theology Department, Payame Noor University, Iran.


According to Sadr-al-Motallehin, just as any human soul, during its material life, evolves along a substantial motion, after the death, it continues its evolutionary process and reaches the more exalted states. Such an evolution occurs to every individual commensurate with his/her inherent capacities and continues up to the Afterlife. The present study tries, first, to explore and explain the quality of the aforesaid evolution with a descriptive -analytical approach and then, focus more on the ways in which such an evolution can be justifiable after  the soul leaves the body and enters into the state of being abstracted from all its potentialities and capacities. So far, certain theories and notions have been introduced in this regard among which Molla Sadra's explanations, although, seems more reasonable for the soles’ evolution in the high level of abstraction, but it can controversial. However, it may be possible, present a more suitable explanation for this strategy, according to some other views of Mulla Sadra and in the light of a teleological viewpoint". This approach is based on the assumption that through loosening the sensual ties and interests and the appetite for the intellect, the requirements for the evolutionary process of the soul are met without any need for the existence of the matter and capacity.


Main Subjects

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