Document Type : Scientific Research


Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Islamic Azad University, Karaj Branch, Karaj, Iran(Corresponding Author)


Why and how pure human perceptions lead to action is one of the most important issues in any anthropology. It seems that human emotions as perceptions caused by practical intellect can be a good option to justify the relationship between action and opinion. Mulla Sadra, as one of the school-building philosophers in Islamic philosophy and a philosopher who has a holistic view of various issues, has considered the relationship between action and opinion and how to obtain action from the point of view. However, although he seeks to justify this relationship by relying on practical reason, he has not paid direct attention to emotion. He believes that in addition to pure cognition, there are perceptions that are pleasure and pain. These perceptions are the result of recognizing the mildness or non-mildness of phenomena in themselves and therefore lead the pure perception to action. Emotional states are either a kind of pleasure or a kind of pain. So emotions are the interface between action and opinion. Because emotions are cognitive-value and are shaped by our beliefs and goals, they can shape both actions that are animal in nature and actions that are in harmony with our human nature and are derived from our lofty goals and ends. So although emotions are cognitive matters and all human beings benefit from them, they are not necessarily optional and reasonable.


Main Subjects

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