Document Type : Scientific Research


1 Assistant Professor, Payame Noor University, Qazvin, Iran (corresponding author).

2 Instructor in Payame Noor University, Qazvin, Iran.


Mutahhari, an Islamologist and a contemporary thinker, is one of the thinkers and researchers who has considered the problems of science and religion such as the theory of transformation of types with the approach of “selective”. He struggles to judge and examine the relationship between them with a different and equilibrant approach, an intellectual-philosophical method, and through clarifying the religious problems and issues. Mutahhari believed that the problems of human society are renewed, so the new problems need new solutions. According to Mutahhari, religion means “Islam” and science means “experimental sciences”. In addition to his belief to concordance and convergence of science and religion, he emphasizes that they complement and supplement each other in some cases. From perspective of worldview, Mutahhari maintains the conflict between science and religion is an illusion of contrast between origin of creation and transformation. Moreover, he adheres the principle of unity and the principle of evolution assist and complement each other. While believing to be symbolic of language of revelation in Adam’s story and to resolve the external conflict, he holds in separation of science and religion in regard to linguistics.


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