Volume 12 (2024-2025)
Volume 11 (2022-2023)
Volume 10 (2021-2022)
Volume 9 (2020-2021)
Volume 8 (2019-2020)
Volume 7 (2018-2019)
Volume 6 (2017-2018)
Volume 5 (2016-2017)
Volume 4 (2015-2016)
Volume 2 (2013-2014)
Volume 1 (2012-2013)
Scientific Research falsafe molasadra
Secondary Intelligibles in Suhravardi's and Allameh Tabatabaei's Views

Asadollah Azhir; Masoumeh Sourni

Volume 3, Issue 1 , March 2015, Pages 9-24

  The present paper aims to compare Allameh Tabatabaei's view on the issue of secondary intelligibles with Suhrawardi's. For this purpose, after describing the views of Suhrawardi and Allameh Tabatabaei on the definition and classification of objective and subjective concepts, how these concepts exist ...  Read More

Scientific Research falsafe molasadra
Rereading Mulla Sadra’s Ethical Theory on the Basis of Contemporary “Virtue Ethics”

REZA REZAZADEH; parichehr miri

Volume 3, Issue 1 , March 2015, Pages 97-108

  The concern of attaining the moral truth and action was important for Mulla Sadra. The goal of this article is to investigate and evaluate the correspondence between his ethical theory and the contemporary Virtue Ethics. The analysis of the features of Virtue Ethics on the one hand and exploring Mulla ...  Read More

Scientific Research falsafe molasadra
Mulla Sadra on “divine metempsychosis”

seedhasan bathayi

Volume 3, Issue 1 , March 2015, Pages 25-37

  “Celestial metempsychosis” is transferring the soul from physical body to the other-worldly one according to moral attributes and their manifestation in the afterlife. On the basis of some Transcendent Philosophy’s principles like primacy of existence, substantial motion, gradation ...  Read More

Scientific Research
The comparison of Bacon and Mulla Sadra’s viewpoints about obstacles of knowledge

Zohreh Tavaziany

Volume 3, Issue 1 , March 2015, Pages 39-53

  The ways of achieving knowledge and knowing its obstacles are the most important concerns of scholars like Mulla Sadra, as an Eastern Philosopher, and Francis Bacon, as a Western thinker. According to Mulla Sadra the basis of true knowledge is having faith to God and achieving it through intuition. Also, ...  Read More

Scientific Research falsafe molasadra
Existence of Quiddity in Mulla Sadra’s Philosophy

Mohammad Hosseinzadeh

Volume 3, Issue 1 , March 2015, Pages 55-68

  Mulla Sadrā's view about the ideality of quiddity is interpreted in various, even contradicting, forms. Allamah Tabatabaii’s and Ayatollah Fayazi's views on explaining the ideality of quiddity are among the most important interpretations of Mulla Sadra’s theory. Allamah Tabatabaii has rejected ...  Read More

Scientific Research falsafe molasadra
The Ontological status of expanded grace in the the Transcendent Wisdom
Volume 3, Issue 1 , March 2015, Pages 69-83

  The nature of sublimated God is “non-conditional as the source of division” from the perspective of Transcendent Philosophy, that is the existence and the existent are restricted to a same referent. In this view, the meaning of the causality, is expressed as manifestation and evolution of ...  Read More

Scientific Research
Redefinition of philosophical concepts on the basis of Sadra’s doctrine of personal unity of existence

hosein hooshangi

Volume 3, Issue 1 , March 2015, Pages 85-96

  Mulla Sadra has been accused of electing two different conceptual schemes of philosophy and mysticism. However, it can be said that he reconstructed and redefined fundamental philosophical concepts in light of mystical doctrines. In this view, he replaced gradation of being with gradation of manifestations ...  Read More

Scientific Research falsafe molasadra
Knowledge and Mental Existence; A Pluralist Interpretation of Mulla Sadra's View

Mohammad Saeedimehr

Volume 3, Issue 1 , March 2015, Pages 109-123

  According to a strong version of the theory of "mental existence", this theory includes three main claims: 1. Perception implies the existence of an idea in the mind of the subject; 2. the reality of the perception is nothing but the mental idea and 3. this mental idea corresponds the external perceived ...  Read More

Scientific Research falsafe molasadra
Sadraian Monism

reza safari; hossein valeh

Volume 3, Issue 1 , March 2015, Pages 125-136

  In Mulla Sadra’s philosophy, after the soul is proved, it is argued that it must be abstract and immaterial. However, considering the abstract soul, it should be answered whether Mulla Sadra is dualistic or monistic? In this study, based on Sadra’s principles, it will become clear that the ...  Read More